COLOR OBSESSION ~ PINK Oh so pretty in ...

All about Pink! The color of unconditional love, compassion, hope and nurturing. Brighter pinks are youthful, fun, and exciting, while vibrant pinks have the same high energy as red; they are sensual and passionate without being too aggressive.

Toning down the passion of red with the purity of white results in the softer pinks that are associated with romance and affection. Pink is the color of happiness and is sometimes seen as lighthearted. For those whom are stressed and overburden, the visual of pink can bring back carefree childhood memories.

Interestingly in the early part of the twentieth century, pink was once associated as a more masculine hue. The more pastel version of Red. It wasn’t until the 1940s that pink became more of the social norm associated with little girls and blue for little boys & toys.


Variations of pink include

Blush: Similar to skin color, this very pale pink has sensual and sexual connotations. It is non-threatening but lacks passion and energy.

Rose Pink: This is the pink of universal love and unity. It is mature, feminine and intuitive.

Salmon Pink or Coral: a touch of orange in salmon pink. It encourages the flirt, and can be a sign of the timid lover, all talk and no play.

Fuchsia: A blend of deep pink and blue, fuchsia inspires confidence, assurance and maturity, a more responsible and controlled nurturing and love.

Hot Pink: Hot pink inspires a more passionate, playful and sensual love. It exudes warmth and happiness and a love of life.

So the next time you are looking for a colour to calm and soothe your soul, think PINK!

happy nesting ~ xoxo

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  1. Erin I love this palette of pinks!! Beautiful, and as a painter I use them all!

    Art by Karena

  2. Thanks Karena! I was a never a big pink color lover when I was little, but I can't get enough of this amazing color now ... making up for lost time I guess!!!
